Founded in 1948, Sciences Po Lyon is a public higher education institution specialised in Human and Social Sciences and training future executives in the public and private sectors.
The aim of our five-year curriculum is to ensure that our students graduate with a clearer understanding of the contemporary world, including its challenges, stakeholders, vulnerabilities, and outlooks for continuous development.
Our educational model is similar to that of Anglo-Saxon Schools of Public Affairs or School of Government. Our teaching is fuelled by a constant quest for excellence and cultivates a multi-disciplinary approach in human and social sciences based on four fundamental disciplines: history, law, political science and economy. On top of these, all of our graduates leave with firm understandings of managerial sciences, management, information-communication and, of course, language and civilization. Their knowledge base is broad and deep.
Our Master’s level courses are divided into four sectors: Public Affairs, International Affairs, Territories and Communication. This last sector offers three masters or speciality degrees: in data journalism (with a very new partnership with the French Institute of Journalism in Paris); in management of Culture (with strong partnerships with local cultural institutions on sandwich courses); and in Culture and Institutional Communication.
With its 1,800 students and 250 international students, Sciences Po Lyon is a higher education institution of a size that enables it to retain a human touch, offering optimal study conditions that can benefit each and every individual student.
Research at Sciences Po Lyon is fundamental and serves to feed and develop teaching. The school supervises three research laboratories (Triangle, the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies and ELICO) to which the majority of permanent teaching and research staff are affiliated.
Our research policy is based on two pillars: "Cities: government, society, representations" and "Innovation in public policy".
Sciences Po Lyon is responsible for the academic and administrative management of the Doctorate in Political Sciences at the Université de Lyon (UDL) in the framework of the Social Sciences Doctoral Institute (ED483). Around ten PhD theses are defended each year.
Sciences Po Lyon also has partnerships with two Excellence Laboratories (LabEx): "Intelligence of Urban Worlds" (IMU) and "Constitution of modernity: reason, politics, religion" (COMOD) in relation with the Université de Lyon.
The institute also supervises the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, which supports or leads multidisciplinary research programmes and provides the scientific community with a collection of resources and support services.