Collaborate With Us

The XJTLU Learning Mall is constantly developing and reevaluating its business development strategy based on the evolution of the global market to build academic, research and strategic partnerships with innovative universities and industry partners.

Benefits of Collaborating with XJTLU

Shaping the future of higher education as well as lifelong learning in China.
Gaining access to the knowledge, resources, research network, and facilities on campus.
Helping international partners and entrepreneurs land into the China local market.

Designing programmes and developing learners' skills based on future industry needs and requirements, providing a steady pipeline of professionals.

Undertaking research through the schools and providing future industry development plans as well as direct participation in campus' innovation and transfer of technology.
Establishing on-campus companies in cooperation with the University.
Raising brand improvement and integration through cooperation with XJTLU.

Partnership Inquiries

If you are a local, national, or global company, industry, university, educational organisation, non-profit entity, service provider, or other platform interested in collaborating with the XJTLU Learning Mall, please contact Our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We are open to all new possibilities of collaborative engagement.