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Inter-Library Loan: About

Information about Interlibrary service: how to use, policies and resources, contact information

Interlibrary Loan

About Inter-library Loan

Inter-library loan (abbreviated ILL, and sometimes called interloan, interlending, document delivery, or document supply) is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. The user makes a request with their local library, which, acting as an intermediary, identifies owners of the desired item, places the request, receives the item, makes it available to the user, and arranges for its return.

The lending library usually sets the due date and overdue fees for the material borrowed. In many cases, nominal fees accompany interlibrary loan services.


 XJTLU Interlibrary Service

To establish a reputation as a research-led University, the University Library strives to meet your teaching, learning and research needs. The Library has provided interlibrary loan and document delivery service, which will help you find and borrow materials (not available in our collections) from our cooperative libraries.

Currently, we have set up inter-library relationships with the National Library of China, and the Shanghai Library, and have been a part of the inter-library net of the Chinese Academic Library and Information System (CALIS).