XJTLU’s Syntegrative Education base in Taicang will cover an area of 1 square kilometre, with teaching, research and support facilities for up to 5,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
After a decade-long exploration, XJTLU has formulated a preliminary yet successful model for cultivating international specialised talents. As a pioneer in the rethinking and reshaping of education, the University proposed Syntegrative Education (SE) in 2016 to respond to the challenges brought about by AI and robotics in the innovation-driven era.
Based on an existing specialised talent cultivating model, SE integrates specialised, industrial and management programmes to deliver international industry experts, with the ability to lead future industry development. Those leaders are highly versatile with the ability to drive the industries of the future. They will be well-rounded yet specialised, know their industries thoroughly, and be able to mobilise resources and lead people.
Syntegrative Education has three operational modes:
XJTLU’s Syntegrative Education base in Taicang will cover an area of 1 square kilometre, with teaching, research and support facilities for up to 5,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
In June 2017, XJTLU successfully initiated IETE, and established partnerships with eight prestigious businesses both at home and abroad. XJTLU is now seeking IETE partnership with more businesses, to optimise its existing global specialised talents development model, and to bring greater value to candidates through in-depth understanding of businesses, industry and society, as well as comprehensive skills training.