Since 2006, 3,877 journals from XJTLU were indexed in WoS (Web of Science) Core.

The CNCI (Category Normalized Citation Impact) for XJTLU’s output has greatly increased, from an average of 0.97 within the five-year period of 2011-2015, to 1.40 in 2016-2020. In 2020, XJTLU’s CNCI reached 1.57. It means that XJTLU’s publications were 57% more cited than the global average.

Figure 1 – XJTLU’s publications and CNCI, 2016-2020

Under the ESI schema (Essential Science Indicators), XJTLU’s research strength is clear. From 2016 to 2022, Engineering, Computer Science, and Economics & Business were the leading research disciplines in terms of quantity of paper output. The overall ranking and performance of XJTLU has improved in the current ESI updates. The Social Science discipline has become the third to enter the top 1% of the ESI, after Engineering and Computer Science.

Figure 2 – XJTLU’s publications and their impact in different ESI research fields, 2016-2020

Research with interdisciplinary collaboration tends to have a higher impact, and is sometimes key to the development of new technologies. Many of XJTLU’s publications have interdisciplinary collaboration. In 2016-2020, Environmental Sciences was the area with the highest level of interdisciplinarity. Meanwhile, as a Sino-foreign joint venture university, XJTLU has extensive collaboration internationally, with 56.38% of its publications having an international co-author during the same period.

Figure 3 – XJTLU’s international collaboration network, 2016-2020

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