XJTLU Alumni Association was founded in August 2010. As the link of alumni and alumni, alumni and XJTLU, and alumni and current students, Alumni Association keeps providing alumni services, operating alumni groups, building alumni brands, and holding alumni events, etc.


XJTLU Alumni Association was founded in August 2010. There are currently more than 22,000 alumni around the world and 10 regional groups in Beijing, Shanghai, HongKong-Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, UK, Singapore, Canada and Australia, so wherever you are in the world you are sure to find XJTLUers near you. Alumni groups act as regional ambassadors and trusted advocates for the University and are run by dedicated alumni volunteers. Groups also support current and prospective students and help to keep XJTLUers connected to the University and to each other.

Journey to Further Study

In 2022, more than 80% of XJTLU graduates chose to study abroad. Therefore, the Alumni Association carried out a non-commercial public welfare project – “Journey to the Further Study” to establish a platform for XJTLUer who are going to study abroad to keep in touch, exchange local information, exchange academic and job-hunting information.

If you want to join this program, please contact our WeChat assistant for further information.


In order to serve and contact XJTLU alumni wider and more precisely, academy and school alumni groups are actively being established. If you want to contribute to it, please contact us via the WeChat of the XJTLU alumni assistant, or our email:alumni@xjtlu.edu.cn. Looking forward for your support and suggestions!


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