Life, living, death and dying in environmental communication
Promote international common understanding of "community of life on earth"——taking the international communication of elephants in Yunnan as an example
Shanghai Theatre AcademyDepartment of Drama, Film and Television Literature
Images of Death, Destruction, and Decay: Necropower and the Visual Transformation of Puerto Rico into a Climate “Death-World”
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
A Dead Forest? Leveraging Teachable Moments for Environmental Knowledge Translation
The Media School, University of Tasmania, Hobart TAS 7005.
“The Winters Are Gone”: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences of Climate Change in the eastern Indian highlands
Manipal Institute of Communication, Manipal Academy of Higher Education.
De la eclosión a la nueva normalidad. Evolución, adaptación y resonancia del marco Greta Thunberg entre 2018-2021.